Breast Reconstruction Surgery in Thane

Breast Reconstruction Surgery is a procedure aimed at restoring the shape, size, and symmetry of breasts following mastectomy or other traumatic events. Typically performed by a plastic surgeon, this surgery involves various techniques, including implant-based reconstruction or tissue flap reconstruction. Women choose this surgery to regain confidence, restore body image, and enhance emotional well-being after undergoing mastectomy due to breast cancer or other conditions. By recreating a natural-looking breast contour, breast reconstruction can help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies.

Pristine Cosmesis in Thane offers comprehensive breast reconstruction services, employing advanced techniques and personalized treatment plans to meet each patient's unique needs. With a team of experienced plastic surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, Pristine Cosmesis ensures optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. From initial consultation to post-operative care, their dedicated team provides compassionate support and guidance, assisting patients throughout the entire reconstruction journey. With a commitment to excellence and patient-centered care, Pristine Cosmesis strives to empower women and restore confidence through expert breast reconstruction treatment.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery Procedure

At Pristine Cosmesis, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive and personalized care to our patients undergoing breast reconstruction surgery. Our team of experienced plastic surgeons utilizes advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction. Here are five key procedures involved in breast reconstruction at Pristine Cosmesis:

  1. Implant-Based Reconstruction: This technique involves the use of silicone or saline implants to recreate the shape and volume of the breast. Our skilled surgeons carefully select the appropriate implant size and shape to achieve natural-looking results tailored to each patient's preferences and anatomy.

  2. Tissue Flap Reconstruction: Tissue flap reconstruction utilizes tissue from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen, back, or thighs, to reconstruct the breast mound. Our surgeons specialize in various flap techniques, including DIEP (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator) flap and TRAM (Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle) flap, to ensure optimal tissue viability and aesthetic outcomes.

  3. Nipple and Areola Reconstruction: After the initial breast mound reconstruction, our surgeons perform nipple and areola reconstruction to add the final touches to the breast's appearance. This procedure involves creating a three-dimensional nipple and areola complex using local tissue or skin grafts, restoring a natural aesthetic.

  4. Symmetry Procedures: Achieving symmetry between the reconstructed breast and the unaffected breast is crucial for overall aesthetic balance. Our surgeons employ various techniques, such as breast lift or reduction on the unaffected breast, to achieve symmetry and enhance overall body proportion.

  5. Scar Management: Our team prioritizes scar management techniques to minimize scarring and optimize cosmetic outcomes. We utilize advanced scar management modalities, including silicone gel sheets, laser therapy, and scar massage, to promote optimal healing and improve the appearance of surgical scars.

Breast Reconstruction Surgeon in Thane

Dr. Nikhil Ghubade stands as the premier Breast Reconstruction Surgeon in Thane, with extensive experience and a track record of successful surgeries. With over 10 years of dedicated practice, Dr. Ghubade has honed his expertise in breast reconstruction, offering patients unparalleled skill and compassionate care. Renowned for his meticulous approach and commitment to patient satisfaction, he has transformed numerous lives through his surgical mastery. Dr. Ghubade's reputation as a leader in the field is bolstered by his unwavering dedication to achieving optimal results and restoring confidence in his patients, solidifying his position as the top choice for breast reconstruction in Thane.

Breast Reconstruction cost in Thane

The cost of Breast Reconstruction in Thane varies depending on factors such as the surgical technique, hospital fees, and post-operative care. On average, the procedure can range from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs 4,00,000. However, it's crucial to consult with a qualified surgeon like Dr. Nikhil Ghubade to receive an accurate estimate tailored to individual needs and desired outcomes.

Factor Affecting Cost

  • complexity of the procedure
  • choice of reconstruction technique
  • duration of hospital stay
  • additional procedures required

Benefits of Breast Reconstruction surgery

Breast reconstruction surgery offers numerous benefits:
  • Improved Body Image: Reconstruction restores breast shape and symmetry, enhancing self-esteem and body confidence.
  • Psychological Well-being: It helps alleviate emotional distress associated with breast loss, promoting mental health and overall well-being.
  • Clothing Fit: Restoring breast contours allows for better fitting clothing, enabling women to regain a sense of normalcy in their wardrobe choices.
  • Restoration of Sensation: Some techniques aim to restore sensation in the reconstructed breast, enhancing tactile experience and intimacy.
  • Cancer Survivorship: For women who underwent mastectomy due to cancer, reconstruction marks a significant milestone in their survivorship journey, symbolizing healing and resilience.

Types of Breast Reconstruction surgery

  • Implant-Based Reconstruction: Involves the use of saline or silicone implants to recreate breast volume after mastectomy.
  • Autologous Tissue Reconstruction: Utilizes tissue from the patient's own body, such as abdominal tissue (TRAM flap), back tissue (latissimus dorsi flap), or buttock tissue (gluteal flap), to reconstruct the breast.
  • Combination Reconstruction: Combines implant-based techniques with autologous tissue reconstruction to achieve optimal results.
  • Nipple and Areola Reconstruction: Involves the creation of a new nipple and areola using skin grafts or tissue flaps, providing a natural appearance.
  • Fat Grafting: Involves transferring fat from one part of the body to the reconstructed breast to improve contour and symmetry.