Patients desiring body contouring often present with a variety of expectations, concerns and/or complaints.

Patients already practicing a “healthy lifestyle” or willing to undergo proper long-term lifestyle changes involving a healthy diet and regular exercise postoperatively experience the best results.

A successful body contouring patient must be willing to follow these 3 rules to achieve and maintain optimal results:

  • Modifying Lifestyle
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet

Fat accumulation varies according to the particular age and gender and the irregular distribution pattern in one’s body can be a cause of concern as women tend to add fat in the lower trunk and hip region forming cellulites, while men see an increase in abdominal girth.

Various procedures can be done for reshaping and contouring the body as per patient’s demands and concerns


Liposuction is the procedure of removing excess fatty tissue from various parts of the body in order to regain natural shape, size, contour, symmetry or to loose those extra pounds.

Liposuction is contraindicated in patients with morbid obesity, cardiopulmonary disease, body image perception issues, wound healing difficulties, pregnancy, or in poor general medical health.

Before the surgery, any asymmetries, cellulite or dimpling are marked addressing patient’s concerns and detail treatment course is discussed to resolve the problem areas.

During the surgery, the marked areas are filled with solutions to liquefy the fat which is then suctioned, taking care to maintain the body shape and contour.

Following the surgery, patients can ambulate (walk) on the day of the surgery, after application of preordered customized pressure garments.


With progressing age, abdominal wall becomes lax due to loss of elasticity and weakness in abdominal wall muscles, in both males and females resulting in many negative structural, psychological, physiological and aesthetic effects.

In females, pregnancy is the one of the most common cause of abdominal wall deformities because the skin and soft tissues are overstretched beyond their normal capacity to retract. Gradually there is thinning and loss of elasticity of the skin with possible striae and loosening of the abdominal wall muscles which can be quite distressing for a working woman.

This abdominal wall weakness can also result in hernias with advancing age which may need repair of hernia alongwith strengthening of abdominal wall muscles as well.

Massive weight loss after pregnancy, dieting or bariatric surgery also results in similar changes in abdomen.

During pregnancy or in immediate post pregnancy period,these issue can be addressed with abdominoplasty procedures to have “Mommy Makeover”.

The Primary Goals in abdominoplasty procedures are to achieve an optimal resection of abdominal skin and deeper fatty tissue along with restoration of tension of muscle layer to prevent abdominal hernias, breakdown or consequent muscular imbalance of the trunk, while at the same time, improving the abdominal wall contour.

These aesthetic procedures aim at improvement in abdominal wall contour, reconstruction of a natural appearing umbilicus and optimal placement of the resulting abdominal scar to get hidden in common Indian clothings.


Lipoabdominoplasty is combining Liposuction along with abdominoplasty to address both functional and aesthetic deformities of the abdominal wall at the same time.


Body contour deformities of the lower trunk can be in the front or sides or circumferential.

Abdominoplasty for skin laxity and/or lower abdominal wall weakness in the front,

Liposuction + Abdominoplasty for deformities in front and sides

Bodylift/Belt Lipectomy – if the deformities involve skin and subcutaneous laxity circumferentially

The goals of lower body lift or Belt Lipectomy are mainly to flatten the abdomen, elimination of redundancy, lifting the anterior and lateral thighs, buttocks, creation of better buttocks contour and creation of better waist definition.


The overall goal of buttock augmentation is to achieve a more youthful appearance and contour

Buttock augmentation can be done by using silicone implants placed within the muscles or below the fascia or autologous micro fat grafting (MFG).


With weight loss in morbidly obese individual, the loss of fat in the upper extremity may manifest with redundant soft tissue in axilla, front, back and inner side of arms. Men tend to have the majority of their deformity limited to the upper arm and axilla whereas women are more likely to have a deformity extending to the elbow and forearm along with these areas.

Brachioplasty or Arm lift is done to remove the excess redundant tissue and regain adequate arm contour

Our Cosmetic surgeon will counsel and give you the best possible option for body contouring.